Train anderen = verbeter jezelf!

In dit onderzoek stond centraal de vraag in hoeverre het vrijwillig trainen van collega’s invloed had op hoe de trainers daarna hun werk ervoeren. Een unieke studie waarbij trainers binnen het landelijke initiatief ‘Train je Collega’ voor en na hun training aan collega’s zijn onderzocht.

(In het Engels) This study examines and theorizes the effects of task challenge on skill utilization, affective wellbeing and intrapreneurial behaviour among civil servants through a real-life challenging assignment, which was part of a unique Dutch and Flemish bottom-up organized event called ‘Train Your Colleague’. Results of a short-term longitudinal study indicate that, as expected, task challenge is positively related to skill utilization and intrapreneurial behaviour but, unexpectedly, not to affective wellbeing. These results suggest that challenging assignments may be important tools to enhance employees’ skill utilization and intrapreneurial behaviour at the workplace. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

Onderzoek is uitgevoerd in samenwerking met Paul Preenen (Belastingdienst), Edo Plantinga (Deell) en Steven Dhondt (TNO). (Online verschenen in wetenschappelijk journal Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2016)