Net verschenen! Een longitudinaal onderzoek naar de mate waarin de person-job fit en misfit aanzet tot proactief loopbaangedrag om deze fit te behouden of een misfit te verbeteren. Dus: hoe zorgen medewerkers zelf voor meer passend werk, waarbij de eisen van het werk aansluiten op de kennis en vaardigheden die ze hebben? Is het zo dat alleen van baan veranderen tot een meer passende baan kan leiden, of kan ook actief zijn met je loopbaan in je organisatie dezelfde verbetering tot stand brengen?
(In het Engels) This two-wave study among 637 employees explores how individuals’ perceived demands-abilities fit may change over time by virtue of career initiative (i.e., the proactive management of one’s career and professional development). Using a parallel growth model, we found that (between-person) career initiative was related to (between-person) perceived demands-abilities fit. In addition, increases in (within-person) career initiative over time were associated with increases in (within-person) perceived demands-abilities fit over time. The findings furthermore indicate that such improvements in perceived demands-abilities fit occur among those who change jobs as well as among those who stay in their current job. Comparing individuals who had switched jobs between wave 1 and wave 2 to those who had not, we found that turnover was i) preceded by lower levels of perceived demands-abilities fit; ii) accompanied by an increase in the level of career initiative; and iii) associated with greater improvement in perceived demands-abilities fit. This study advances our understanding of temporal dynamism in person-job fit and the findings support the idea that by employing a proactive approach towards their career, individuals can both attain and enhance the alignment between their abilities and the demands of their job.
Onderzoek is uitgevoerd in samenwerking met Hella Sylva (Berenschot), Stefan Mol en Deanne den Hartog (Amsterdam Business School) (Online en Open Access verschenen in European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2019)